To qualify for the 100 Km category, a participant:
- Must have finished at least one marathon (42.195 Km) or longer race either on road or trail from January 2022 to July 2023. The result must be verifiable on the internet.
- Must be 18 years or older on race day.
- Must be physically fit to run and in good health condition, supported by a medical certificate not older than six (6) months upon submission on the race kit collection.
Friday, August 25, 2023 – Banaue Ethnic Village
8:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Race kit distribution
*If due to unavoidable circumstances you were not able to claim your race kit, you may claim it in the evening between 7 PM to 8 PM.
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Race Briefing and carboloading (free lunch to be served)
08:00 PM to 08:59 PM – Assembly
09:00 PM – Gun start
Saturday, August 26, 2023
04:00 AM or 7 hours - Intermediate Cutoff at Banaue Ethnic Village, KM 20
02:00 PM or 17 hours – Intermediate Cutoff at Barlig (Drop Bag 1), KM 46.5
10:00 PM or 46 hours – Intermediate Cutoff at Batad, KM 132.2
Sunday, August 27, 2023
01:00 AM or 28 hours – Intermediate Cutoff at Bangaan (Drop Bag 2), KM 81
09:00 AM – Final Cutoff at Banaue Ethnic Village
12:00 NN - Awarding Ceremony/ Lunch
The 100 Km is a brutally marvelous route that will start at Banaue Ethnic Village. Runners will pass thru the extreme natural landscapes of the great Ifugao villages and terraces built more than 2000 years ago and now declared as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The route will traverse three (3) municipalities – Banaue, Hungduan, and Barlig. Runners will run first Hungduan via Mt. Polis and return to Banaue Ethnic Village. Exit the Ethnic Village to reach Awan-igid. Awan-igid is their gateway to the amazing Pula Village connecting the most visited villages of Cambulo and the so-called amphitheater of the Gods, Batad. But before that, runners will climb Mt. Amuyao, the highest mountain of Mt. Province, and traverse to Barlig. Take the loop route going back to Pula then proceed to Batad. Reaching Batad Village and seeing the magnificent views of the tallest listed UNESCO Heritage site in Ifugao. They will go traverse these beautiful landscapes going Awa to go down the Guitte Village passing the most beautiful backgrounds part of the route until they reach Anaba and Lanah at the highway turn right and enter Bangaan Village, also a UNESCO World Heritage site. The next villages are silent paradise until they made the loop to Poitan, Bocos, and finish at Banaue Ethnic Village.
** A special 10 runners plus 1 free kit for those who will register as a group during the regular registration period.
** Senior Citizen/ PWD discount applies (20%)
** Special rates to all residents of Ifugao and Mountain Province. For bank registrations direct to the RD and in-store registration only. Please present proof of residency. Not applicable for other registration discounts.
** All CONQUER GRANDSLAMMERS are entitled to a 5% discount.
REGULAR RATE – March 16 to August 6, 2023
Local Runners – PHP 6000
Ifugao/ Mt. Province/ Hungduan – PHP 5500
Foreign Runners – USD 145
LATE REGISTRATION – August 7 to August 15, 2023
Local Runners – PHP 6500
Ifugao/ Mt. Province/ Hungduan – PHP 6000
Foreign Runners – USD 160
Inclusive of Event shirt, windbreaker/ rain jacket, Trail Fees, Race Bib, Timing Chip, Pre-race and Post-race Buffet Meal, and Altermeat energy bites.
Official Finishers will receive a specially designed Ifugao runner hand-carved trophy.
Runners not able to reach the cut-off stations within the prescribed cut-off time will be declared DNF. They must shoulder their expenses going back to Banaue Ethnic Village. This will be the same for runners who will declare not to continue the race at any point of the route and must inform the Race Director, the nearest marshal immediately. The cut-off is defined as the time the runner leaves the Aid Station, not the time of their arrival.
Banaue Ethnic Village – KM 0 - 09:00 PM (9 PM), August 25, 2023
AS1 - Mt. Polis – KM 10
AS2 - Banaue Ethnic Village – KM 20, Cutoff 7 Hours, 04:00 AM, August 26, 2023
AS3 - Pula – KM 32.5
CP1 - Mt. Amuyao – KM 41.3
AS4 - Barlig – KM 46.5, Cutoff 17 Hours, 02:00 PM, August 26, 2023
AS5 - Pula – KM 57.5
CP2 - Cambulo – KM 64
AS6 - Batad – KM 67.5
CP3 - Anaba – KM 77
AS7 - Bangaan – KM 81, Cutoff 28 Hours, 01:00 AM, August 27, 2023
AS8 - Poitan – KM 92.5
Banaue Ethnic Village – KM 101.2.7, Cutoff 36 Hours, 09:00 AM, August 27, 2023
Drop Bag collection is on August 24, 2023 (100M), and August 25, 2023 (100 Km), between 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Banaue Ethnic Village.
1. Drop bags are allowed for the 100-Mile and 100 Km runners only.
2. Runners are allowed to have only one (1) bag per drop bag station.
3. Drop Bag stations are located at Hapao, Banaue Ethnic Village, Barlig, and Bangaan.
4. Runners must secure their bags, waterproof them, and label them with the following information- Name, race bib number, and drop bag station. Plastic bags are not allowed.
5. Drop bag retrieval is at the finish line after the race. All unclaimed drop bags within 24 hours after the race will be disposed of accordingly.